Lions Club Parade & Carnival

Lions Club Parade & Carnival

The Lions Club Parade and Carnival are coming up on February 17th, and we would like you to participate! As you may know, the Lions Club is a community group that raises money for various programs around the valley, and we were fortunate enough to benefit from their largess in 2022 (They helped us build the stage), and in return, we get to participate in the parade! Below is a link to a sign-up form if you and/or your student would like to be a part of our float this year. The theme is “We Built This City”, and will consist of blackboards with “blueprints” on them showing how we built this city with the blueprints for successful future leaders.
We have also been tasked with donating a minimum of 30 cakes for the Carnival’s cake walk. We don’t need you to sign up for that, but if you would like to drop off a cake, please ensure it is on something you don’t want back, and is packaged in a way as to prevent any messy accidents (lid or box is fine). We will be accepting cake donations from February 13th to February 15th. Donations can be dropped on in the front office, and just let us know what class your student is in.
Thank you so much!
Juniper Ridge