School Communication
Communication Policy:
The staff at JRCS is dedicated to good communication between the school and parents. Some ways this will be accomplished is by the weekly classroom newsletter sent out by each teacher, through Parent Evenings, and direct communication with your child’s teacher.
Emergency Communication
The school will setup and maintain a contact list of all parents and guardians to be contacted in case of emergency or school closure. The mode of contact will be through mass text, unless otherwise requested. Please see administration staff to make other arrangements if needed.
School Closure – Inclement Weather Policy
UNLESS you are otherwise notified, JRCS will follow the same inclement weather policy as District 51. Log onto D51 website at Look in the upper right hand corner where it says: Emergency Information. If the district has called a snow day, or late opening, you will see it posted there. If no alert is posted there, the district considers it a normal school-day schedule. However, Juniper Ridge reserves the right to differ with the district. It is not a decision we would take lightly. In cases when JRCS differs from D51, parents will receive a text or a call from the school by 6:15 a.m. In the event that a late start is ever called either by the district or by our school, please note that teachers will still be on hand to receive the children by 8:00 am from those families who have to get to work regardless of the late start.