School Happenings Archive
1st Grade
1st grade surprised us this week by showing that even a seemingly innocuous seating bench can be so much more than it appears, which fits in with our belief that there are many different ways to approach the world.
In fact, these seating benches are so sturdy, our 1st graders can use them to help improve their balance, as well as fuel their imaginations.
Here's a picture of them in action!

4th Grade
4th grade has been learning about the Razorback Sucker Fish, which is a native species that is currently on the Endangered Species list. Not just here at Juniper Ridge, but all over the valley, students are learning about some of the creatures we share this area with, their importance to the area, and how to take care of them.
Not only did the students get to learn from Kathleen Mawhinney from Colorado Fish and Wildlife (CFW), but Mrs. Rusling's class gets to "foster" three Razorbacks in the classroom! The students work diligently every day to feed their charges, ensure the water temperature and pH of the tank are all good, and observe the fish to make sure they're healthy.
The class has named the visitors "Dorito, Frito, and Cheeto" due to the fact that when looked at straight on, they look like Doritos™ chips. This is to help the sucker fish avoid being swallowed whole by predators! The students are now one week into the observation, and our aquatic friends are thriving. In the spring, Dorito, Frito, and Cheeto will be released back to the wild to live their fishy lives.

4th Grade
Last week, Mr. Seth Anderson of Loki Clothing here in Grand Junction came and spoke with the 4th grade classes about local geography. Thank you Mr. Anderson!

On the 12th of January, the 3rd Grade, 2D, and 3D art classes had a special treat of making art with the snow that visited us.