School Happenings
We like to share what is going on in our classrooms from time to time, so you can share in the joy and wonder of a Waldorf inspired education environment.
May Faire 2024
Today (May 3, 2024), we celebrated our May Faire with songs, ceremonies, and skits. In addition to the festivities, our community came through way more than we could have ever anticipated. Below are photos of flower crown making and parts of the May Faire.

Flower donations for the grades ended up covering TWO picnic tables! We had flowers left over at the end of May Faire for the first time! Our teachers were blown away at the largess of our families.

Even our kindergarten friends could join in on the festivities!

Parents and students had so much fun making beautiful crowns to celebrate our last festival of the year.

Each student worked diligently to create a crown that reflected their style.

Alumni rubbed elbows with staff and administration While office staff moved out to watch the festivities.

May Faire attendants and retinue observing the festivities.
Our 5th-grade attendants were chosen through yesterday's "Chicken Pickin'" event. Recently ennobled 6th-grade knights provided security for our attendants.

3rd-Grade reciting their presentation 2nd-Grade and the Celebration of Pets

Our Natural Arts teacher, Mr. Rizzo, assumed the role of the Green Man and regaled the audience with an interpretation of how the Green Man came to be (after "chasing" 2nd grade off the field).

8th-grade fey came out to awaken 1st-grade fairies.

1st Grade danced and sang to lure out the Maypole dancers.

Finally, the 4th grade danced around the Maypole while Miss Angel sang a traditional May Faire song.
7th Grade
The 7th Grade recently finished their simple machine block, which utilized a combination of engineering, physics, imagination, and a lot of trial and error. The students had a real blast creating and then racing the cars. Who knows, perhaps one of these budding engineers will develop the next big breakthrough in automotive locomotion!