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What Sets Us Apart
Added Feb 09, 2024
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A video of some of our teachers and stewards discussing the benefits of Juniper Ridge Community School.
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so I started out in mainstream for 10 years and I was feeling the air get like sucked out of me when I discovered that Juniper Ridge was accessible here in the valley I started looking into Waldorf and fell in love with it and it's going to carry them through the rest of our lives and make him successful Stewart in our future generation we do want them to be different we want them to be creative we want them to go out and for teachers to just be blown away that these children can just create I don't have to be kind of like pushed around her guided you know the entire day that they can give them something in a child will do it on their own or will will have those passages to just be more than what some educators are expecting children to be think the misconception is that we don't have successful learning happening at our school and in fact we do if we just look at more than that intellectual paper-based or computer-based age to determine what it means to be a successful child I think the Waldorf method is unique to each and every individual it's something that brings about this place of selfhood and experience is their success and the numbers that they can back that with 94% of all their students go on to college and of those 88% graduate genuinely making a connection with the students year after year after year and being able to meet them at their at their needs being able to even Truly find out what their needs are and then overtime and connection we can really make a difference the word is getting out in the community about what we're doing here at Juniper Ridge that it is something different from the mainstream d51 curriculum but is also a value-added service to what district 50 I was trying to accomplish with her kids you can have kids graduate be successful in high school and move on to college but also show that that could be done within a framework of compassion of caring and loving every time when I come home and turns out to be what I do and I've learned a lot of fun stuff that they have it so everyday lost me what did you learn today what did you do today and so I would tell them and they just be in awe and jealous they said multiple times that they would like to come to my school and actual go back into their younger years and come to the school what I hope for is that our community at large the Grand Valley sees this school as a gift and the fact that we have a wall. inspired school to offer to our community at large is something that is only going to benefit everyone
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