Board Meetings, Minutes, and Agendas
Board Meetings
Board Meetings are held at 5:30 pm on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at Juniper Ridge Community School. All board meetings are open to the public and everyone is welcome. If you have information, questions to bring to the Board of Stewards, or would like to be placed on the agenda please contact Board Chair, Jennifer Nichols at [email protected]. All previous board agendas and minutes are located in the Administration Office at Juniper Ridge Community School.
If you would like to address the JRCS Board of Stewards during a meeting, please fill out the below form and email it to [email protected] prior to the meeting.
Meeting Minutes
All approved meeting minutes are located in the office at Juniper Ridge Community School. And are available upon request.
Board Agendas
Board Agendas will be posted here no later than 24 hours prior to each board meeting, as well as, on the front door of the Main Building at Juniper Ridge Community School.